What is happening is that if I go to YouTube, this is what shows; Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. When I click on Get the latest Flash player. , it sends me to this link http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ . I go through all the prompts and and the first attachment appears. Then a window appears showing my place to save and when I click it to save, a little window, Confirm Save As, says that "install_flash_player.exe already exists", do I want to replace it. If I say "yes" or "no", the still does not operate even though it shows and says that the file has downloaded. In other cases where I am directed to a link, a new window will open with a bar below the tool bar stating, "additional plugins are required to display all the media on this page" on the left side and with "install missing plugins" to click on the right side. In the body of the opened window there is a "Click here to download plugins". When clicked on, a new window appears which is titled, "Plugin Finder Service" that says "available plugin downloads" and shows Adobe Flash Player with the option to click "Next" at the bottom. When "Next" is clicked,it says that no plugins were installed with this shown below: Adobe Flash Player Not Available Manual Install (which is the only one clickable) When "Manual Install" is clicked on it once again takes me to http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. If I go to the bottom and click "Finish" everything closes and I am back where I started with no Flash Player How can I once again be able to view YouTube and other linked videos like I was once able. HELP!!